  • 10 de “i16”

    Smacca Tecnica: Acrilici e inchiostro su carta Anno: 2015 Dimensione senza cornice: 50 x 50 cm Descrizione: Combinazioni di pieni e vuoti, di piani e linee, di elementi che segnalano la presenza di cose assenti, come i giochi dei bambini in una stanza vuota. Panni stesi ad asciugare, interni di arredi e rivestimenti, fiori, matite colorate, finestre e porte chiuse e aperte sul cielo, viti, bulloni, altalene, libri, piccole zone chiuse come piazze esterne dei paesi che diventano salotti ciarlieri di chiacchiere e caffè, immersi in architetture sbilenche e scale perse fra le nuvole.
    NFT disponibile in seguito all'acquisto. La consegna sarà concordata con l'artista.
  • Michele Rizzi   Tecnica: Acciaio . ferro, smalto spray trasparente Anno: 2022 Dimensione: 247x70x40cm Descrizione: "Star man is waiting for you 247" is a sculpture that is part of the "condensation dispersion of matter" sculpture cycle. Star man is waiting for someone to arrive on his planet and is intent on scanning the universe. The sculpture has a double aesthetic value, archaic and futuristic and is made with thousands of assembled metal elements. In this sculpture the base is also particular, which is itself a sculpture. This sculpture too is intended as an archaeological find from the future and has a double aesthetic value, "primitive and futuristic" at the same time. Magnetic and evocative.    
  • Michele Rizzi   Tecnica: acciaio,ferro, vernice spray trasparente Anno: 2022 Dimensione: 185 x 50 x 35 cm Descrizione: Andromeda 3071 is a sculpture that is part of the cycle of sculptures condensation dispersion of matter. The sculpture is understood as an archaeological find from the future and for this reason it has a double aesthetic value: archaic and futuristic at the same time. This sculpture in particular is made with hundreds of metal elements of different shapes and textures. In this case I experimented with the use of perforated and screened elements which give lightness to the sculpture and enhance the play of solids and voids and enhance the aesthetics of the machine and of the applied electronics. Every part of the body is a kind of jazz creation. The sculpture is a continuous improvisation within a pre-established final figuration. Very beautiful as a whole and very fascinating to examine the texture of its parts. In this case, for the first time, thanks to the use of perforated plates, I gave volume to female hair (I usually don't use to make Star women's hair). Very beautiful and fascinating live. To enhance the beauty of its textures, I chose not to color it but to protect it with a transparent gloss that highlights the contrast between the rusty and glittering parts You can see the video of the work on my instagram account
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